Tourist Centre «The Arctic Circle»
+7 (499) 110-90-80

Our Pets


We have got a small reindeer farm at "The Arctic Circle" Lodge. The reindeer is a nice pet that has been living next to people for many centuries. Reindeer are hardy and unpretentious, amiable and obedient. We have got five animals at our farm now.

Excursion Description Price*, Euro.
Excursion to the reindeer farm (accompanied by an attendant) Some information about reindeer domestication and our experience in reindeer herding. You can take pictures of them and interact with these cute animals - feed them with tasty and healthy treats, pat their rough fur and try to touch the antlers, velvety and vulnerable in late spring/early summer and hard as bones in autumn/early winter.
Up to 10 persons. Duration about 40 min .
per 1 person
Winter family excursion
to the reindeer farm with a short sleigh ride (accompanied by an attendant)

A family excursion, 2-3 persons (2 adults+1 infant or 1 adult+1-2 children up to 12 years old).
Duration about 1 hour.
A family excursion gives you an opportunity not only to feed and photograph the reindeer, but also to have a 15-20 minutes' sleigh ride.
23 per a group of 2-3 persons

* Infants (up to 6 years old) free of charge

Nothern sled dogs

Northern sled dogs are amazing creatures: both agility and love for people are characteristic for them, they are intelligent and very friendly, and their soft fur and funny "smiles" leave no one indifferent! Visitors of the "Arctic Circle" kennel will meet fine representatives of such northern breeds as alascan malamute (four dogs), alascan husky (two dogs), and three lovely puppies of yakut husky.

Excursion Description Price*, Euro.
Excursion to the sled dog kennel (accompanied by an attendant)
Some information about the breeds we have in the kennel, dog-keeping and coaching, types of sled dog sports and our pets' competitive experience. Visitors can take pictures of the dogs and interact with them.
Up to 10 persons. Duration about 40 min.
per 1 person
Winter family excursion
to the sled dog kennel with a short dogsled ride (accompanied by an coach)

A family excursion, 2-4 persons (1-2 adults + 1-2 children up to 12 years old).
Duration about 1-1,5 hour.
You can not only take pictures and pat the dogs, but also go for a walk with them and even ride a dogsled with a team of 2 or 4 dogs, accompanied by an experienced musher (dogsled driver). It is also a chance for adults to try themselves as dogsled drivers, if approved by the coach.
per a group of 2-4 persons

* Infants (up to 6 years old) free of charge